Reason #35: The Gold Plates Never Existed

  One LDS author, Dan Vogel in American Apocrypha:Essays on the Book of Mormon stated:  “Given the fact that the three witnesses saw a vision and that the experience of the eight witnesses seems to have been similarly visionary, there is no compelling...

Reason #30: Questionable Biblical Interpretation

Why must uniquely- LDS Biblical interpretation be rejected? Because a supposedly Biblical doctrine that is based on possibly-plausible possible exceptions to other historical doctrines is not a firm enough foundation on which  believers in the rest of the Bible...

Reason #29: The Mormon Gossip Circuit

Reason #29 is from guest blogger Michelle Scott (no relation) Privacy, to me, is very important. In Mormonism, there is virtually no privacy whatsoever. Hypothetically, if a Mormon member was to enter a Starbucks (strongly opposed because of their particularly...

Reason #27: The “other sheep” problem

  I was told when I was a Mormon that the other sheep Jesus said he would bring were the Nephites.  The Book of Mormon records a supposed visit of Jesus to the Nephites, apparently about a year after His resurrection in Israel. Two things to notice about...

LDS Church Faces Gays

Over 27,000 letters were delivered to the LDS Church Headquarters this week, all protesting the LDS Church's support of the ban on gay marriages in California. As a former Mormon and more-than-disinterested observer, I am watching this process closely. In the past,...