FROM SUSAN STORM SMITH: As I was in Bible study this morning, the most beautiful thought came to me in relationship to the subject of why I would not return to being a Mormon. As a Mormon, the focus is on works and good deeds. Its about...
A recent column by prominent LDS writer Orson Scott Card (known best by us non-Mormons as an outstanding sci-fi writer) identifies “feminism, environmentalism, gay activism and militant atheism” as having enormous influence on our culture. While most...
The LDS Church once instituted an organization ““ more of a practice, really ““ called the “Strengthening the Church Members Committee” which it publicly billed as a newspaper clipping service[ii] but which in reality was a spy...
Big Love, indeed. Mormonism, in all its incarnations, institutionalized what many people see as the inevitable successor to legalized same-sex marriage: the legalization of plural marriage, which many people are calling “the next civil rights...
In the formative years of the LDS Church, any revelation received by church members was only considered valid if it was approved by Joseph Smith, because any revelation that contradicted Joseph”‘s just couldn”‘t be true. It pains me to think...