The Book of Mormon raises questions when we examine its accounts of warfare. Where is evidence of the great mounds…
Probably one of the hottest areas of controversy rages around the Book of Mormon"'s teachings on polygamy. Those unfamiliar…
On one occasion Joseph Smith Jr., the founder of the LDS religion, quoted from seventeen different languages (not always…
Mormons are taught that abstinence from tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco is essential for entrance into the celestial kingdom. If…
I'm preparing a series of blog posts requested by Zondervan's Academic Blog, Koinonia which will appear in about a month. I'm…
There's an error in the upcoming edition of The Mormon Mirage. (Yes, since I'm human, there will be errors.) This…
Because of the Sheer Number of Joseph Smith"'s False Prophecies: False prophecy became a habit for Joseph Smith. Most…
False Prophecies and Failed Abilities of Joseph Smith: While at Kirtland Ohio, Joseph made a prophecy that is unfamiliar…
In the formative years of the LDS Church, any revelation received by church members was only considered valid if it…
I have often wondered how I would have responded, had I been an adult in New England in the early…