Mormon Mirage

An Open Letter to Mitt Romney, Respectfully Submitted

Before I print the text of the letter I have written to Mitt Romney, I want to lay out the…

12 years ago

Reason #186: Because the LDS Church Covers Up Its Own History

I recently learned here that some people believe the leadership of the LDS church exerted enough pressure that it was…

13 years ago

Reason #169: Because Mormons call my books “religious pornography”

When I was a Mormon . . .I could not understand why anyone would oppose an organization that did so…

14 years ago

Reason #133: Today’s Mormons Don’t Know The Church’s Past

I have read that a very high percentage of members of the LDS church today are first-generation. Recently I had…

15 years ago

On writing

Recently the ExMormon Foundation honored me by requesting that I address them at their annual conference on how to write…

15 years ago

The Mormon Mirage is in Audiobook!

For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition:  A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today(Zondervan, 2009). Also available…

16 years ago

Interview with Latayne Scott on Pop Syndicate

Today on the Web magazine Pop Syndicate, the editor conducted what she calls "a virtual sitdown" with me concerning my…

16 years ago

Reason #64: Because I gave it a second chance

Today on the Web magazine Pop Syndicate, the editor Angela Wilson conducted what she calls "a virtual sitdown" with me…

16 years ago

First Reader Review of The Mormon Mirage, 3rd Edition

I am humbled and honored by the first review of The Mormon Mirage, as posted on Barnes & Noble: The…

16 years ago

Reason #54: The LDS Depreciation of Bible Translation

  Second Nephi 29:3 mocks the trust of the Bible believer by having him say mindlessly, "A Bible! A Bible!…

16 years ago