Latter-day Cipher

Reason #185: Struggling with an Unknowable God

One of the greatest disservices that Mormon doctrine does to the minds of its adherents is the reduction of the…

13 years ago

Reason #166: Because of Letters Like This

I sometimes get letters like this. They do indeed cause me to pause and re-evaluate my reasons for writing what…

14 years ago

Reason #162: The Mental Gymnastics of Anticipating Polygamy

As a young Mormon woman I believed that I should prepare myself for plural marriage (the mainstream LDS church does…

14 years ago

Reason #126: A fictional account of losing faith in Mormonism

In the previous item on the "365 Reasons" blog I described the situation that caused me to lose faith in…

15 years ago

Dan Brown’s Lost Symbol and Latter-day Cipher: The Masonic Connection

When I began writing Latter-day Cipher (Moody, 2009), one of the themes I wanted to explore was the uneasy relationship…

15 years ago

Blog Tour!

Today, June 30, is an exciting day for me!  Twenty-seven blogs will be participating in a blog tour -- in…

16 years ago

Article in Prodigal Magazine

Recently Andrew Rogers wrote the following article about me in Prodigal Magazine. It was also published in at least one…

16 years ago

Reason #74: Because of how betrayal feels– and can be conveyed

What follows is the fourth of a five-part series that Zondervan published on their academic blog, Koinonia. The subject matter…

16 years ago

Reason #73: The cost of losing one’s God

What follows is the third of a five-part series that Zondervan published on their academic blog, Koinonia.  The subject matter may repeat…

16 years ago

Ah, Sweet Fame, You are so Fleeting!

What a terrific weekend this was for me! I awakened Saturday morning to the news that my new novel, Latter-day…

16 years ago