Reason #185: Struggling with an Unknowable God

One of the greatest disservices that Mormon doctrine does to the minds of its adherents is the reduction of the concept of a three-in-one God down to compartmentalized beings. I have struggled with this now for the 38 years I have been a Christian. Here is one way...

Reason #166: Because of Letters Like This

I sometimes get letters like this. They do indeed cause me to pause and re-evaluate my reasons for writing what I do, and reasons why I won't return to the LDS Church, in spite of the joyful experiences I had there. Here's the letter, and my reply. Mrs. Scott, I...

Reason #162: The Mental Gymnastics of Anticipating Polygamy

As a young Mormon woman I believed that I should prepare myself for plural marriage (the mainstream LDS church does not practice earthly polygamy of course but does command its practice after death.) I believed I might be able to enjoy the exclusive attentions of my...

Reason #126: A fictional account of losing faith in Mormonism

In the previous item on the “365 Reasons” blog I described the situation that caused me to lose faith in Mormonism.  I have tried to describe this in a fictional account, too:  my novel, Latter-day Cipher. In this passage, an LDS man who is a...