A symbol of the occult that Joseph Smith owned was a “Jupiter talisman.” Read about it and see a drawing of it at the Tanners' site here. For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon...
I imagine that many Christians have wriggled uncomfortably as they read Dan Brown’s new book, The Lost Symbol. Scattered through the book are disparaging references to Christianity (and not a few barefaced prostitutions of Bible verses taken out of context). But...
Any Mason who reads even such an abbreviated account of the temple ceremony as I have outlined in The Mormon Mirage will be amazed at the similarities between temple ordinances and Masonic lodge ordinances. Joseph Smith claimed that he got much of the substance of the...
Alexander Campbell once noted that the Book of Mormon managed to comment on a surprisingly large percentage of the religious issues of their time.[1] In addition to infant baptism, authority and ordination, the nature of the Trinity, free agency of man, the fall, and...
Joseph Smith, founder of the LDS Church “became a first-degree Mason on the night of the installation, and the next night rose to the sublime degree,” as documented by historian Fawn McKay Brodie in her book, No Man Knows My History (page 280.) Though the...