Reason #202: Guest Post, “Deceived No More,” by Vicki Andersen

Deceived No More I thought I knew and understood Mormon doctrine.  After all, I’d been raised in a devout Mormon home and was a straight A Seminary student.  Then I went on to BYU and maintained that high grade in all my religion classes.  But when a...

Reason #187: Because of Joseph Smith’s Formal Education

Mormons often point to the length of the Book of Mormon and claim that no man could have written it without God's help. In particular, they say that Joseph Smith's lack of formal education meant he couldn't write such a book. There are several reasons why this is not...

Reason #175: Joseph Smith’s Teenage Wives

Many Mormons, upon being confronted with irrefutable evidence that Joseph Smith married multiple teenaged girls, respond that it was common in the 1800's for older men to marry teenaged girls. However, this chart and information seem to dispute that. Chart courtesy of...

Reason #153: A Greek manuscript fooled Joseph Smith

Most students of Mormonism know that Joseph Smith claimed to have the ability to translate ancient documents, specifically to produce the Book of Mormon and portions of both the Pearl of Great Price and the Doctrine and Covenants (Section 7 in particular.) A deeper...