Doctrine and Covenants

Reason #125: The Point of No Return in Deciding to Leave

The previous post used an analogy to describe the feelings that many have when discovering that Mormonism's claims of divine…

15 years ago

Reason #94: Timing of Polygamy Revelations in D&C

The revelation commanding polygamy was not announced to the LDS Church as a whole until 1852, eight years after the…

16 years ago

Reason #93: Rewriting Biblical history to fit LDS doctrine

Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants purports to be God’s explanation of why ancient prophets were allowed to have…

16 years ago

Reason #92: Shaking Hands

If you're around Mormons much, you know that folding arms and shaking hands is part of their culture. Just how…

16 years ago

Reason #85 — The Civil War Prophecy

Reason #85 The famous Civil War prophecy of Section 87 of the Doctrine and Covenants has for years been touted by…

16 years ago

Reason #83: Mormonism changes the wording of its own Scripture

When I was a Mormon, Section 78 of the Doctrine and Covenants  contained some strange foreign-sounding names which were assigned to…

16 years ago

Reason #37: The manipulative quality of Joseph Smith’s “Revelations”

  One of the most amazing (and least-noticed) revelations he gave out is that found in DoctrineandCovenants Section 15. The…

16 years ago