Book of Mormon

Reason #98: Changes in LDS Doctrine regarding Freemasonry

Alexander Campbell once noted that the Book of Mormon managed to comment on a surprisingly large percentage of the religious…

15 years ago

Reason #89: LDS “scripture” scholarship

What is so amazing about Royal Skousen's "critical text" of the BofM published by Yale University Press? It's that Mormons…

16 years ago

Reason #54: The LDS Depreciation of Bible Translation

  Second Nephi 29:3 mocks the trust of the Bible believer by having him say mindlessly, "A Bible! A Bible!…

16 years ago

Reason #50: The Book of Mormon and Polygamy

  Probably one of the hottest areas of controversy rages around the Book of Mormon"'s teachings on polygamy. Those unfamiliar…

16 years ago

Reason #35: The Gold Plates Never Existed

  One LDS author, Dan Vogel in American Apocrypha:Essays on the Book of Mormon stated:  "Given the fact that the…

16 years ago

Reason #34: Unreliability of Book of Mormon Witnesses

Many Mormons seek solace in the thought that there were enough reliable witnesses to substantiate the Book of Mormon"'s validity…

16 years ago

Reason #33: Who could verify Egyptian translations in 1828?

  Martin Harris did indeed as Mormons claim take a copy of some of the characters Joseph Smith said he…

16 years ago

Reason #32: Joseph Smith’s Imaginative Abilities

  Smith's wife Emma once said that she believed God dictated the Book of Mormon because her husband could hardly…

16 years ago

Reason #31: Joseph Smith’s Story Is Not Unique

In 1837 an illiterate youth named James Colin Brewster said that at age ten, he, like Joseph Smith, had been…

16 years ago

Reason #27: The “other sheep” problem

  I was told when I was a Mormon that the other sheep Jesus said he would bring were the…

16 years ago