Book of Mormon

Reason #204: Guest Post, “Historicity Matters” by Paul Nurnberg

The Book of Mormon does not comport with accurate historical reality.

7 years ago

Reason #173: More Politically-Correct Book of Mormon Changes

  Recently the LDS Church has changed chapter headings in its online Book of Mormon (a revised print edition isn't…

14 years ago

Reason #172: Packham’s Logic about LDS Book of Mormon Apologists

My atheist friend, Richard Packham, has an excellent online article that shows the shallowness of LDS arguments to support the…

14 years ago

Reason #156: The Book of Mormon Restored What?

Does the Book of Mormon itself restore—or even mention—doctrines missing from the Bible? No, in fact, the theology of the Book of…

15 years ago

Reason #145: The Doctrine in McConkie’s Mormon Doctrine

The dust is finally settling in yet another effort by the LDS Church to bury its past. Recently the church-owned…

15 years ago

Reason #137: The Nahom Controversy

Some LDs writers have said that a settlement in southern Arabia named NHM is the Nahom of the Book of…

15 years ago

Reason #132: New Archaeological Site for Manufacturing Weapons

A newly-excavated archaeological site in Mexico shows a sophisticated Mayan manufacturing center devoted to weapons and tools. No metal weapons…

15 years ago

Reason #131: Joseph Smith Could Cut and Paste

A reader recently sent me a section of an article that's being circulated among Mormons. Its premise is that the…

15 years ago

Reason #116: Testimony Sleight of Hand?

At the most recent LDS conference, LDS leader Jeffry R. Holland held up a copy of what he claimed was…

15 years ago

Reason #110: Oahspe

While Mormons may claim that the Book of Mormon is unique, consider the case of a book called Oahspe: A…

15 years ago