No, I’m married to the same man for 35 years

A recently-published book had a wonderful quote from me in it on page 16, In Coming to Terms With Jesus Christ: Athletes, Celebrities and Everyday People's Theology and Testimony About Reconciliation With God, by author and research analyst Gregory S. Spaulding.  My...

Reason #98: Changes in LDS Doctrine regarding Freemasonry

Alexander Campbell once noted that the Book of Mormon managed to comment on a surprisingly large percentage of the religious issues of their time.[1] In addition to infant baptism, authority and ordination, the nature of the Trinity, free agency of man, the fall, and...

Reason #164: The LDS Church is a Corporate Investment Entity

I recently read an article that quotes a former employee of the LDS Church who has insider information about how this corporation — which he says is no longer a church, and hasn't been for a long time — spends its billions of tax-free dollars. As a...

Reason #13: The Cult Status of Mormonism (Continued)

LDS apologists of the lower echelons, with a get-out-of-jail-free card for anything they say (their statements aren't “official doctrine,”) often represent anyone whose opposes the LDS Church”‘s teachings as “heresy hunters” who...