Another Site that recently referenced my work

Here's another site with a recent mention of my writing: This guy really seems to have a lot on the ball — and has the same interests as my son in law, Noel.  Must be a great...

Reason #193: “Doctrines That Are Going Away”

I am a “lurker” on an Internet message board where LDS historians and others speak about “doctrines that are going away” (their words, not mine.) Q: How can a DOCTRINE go away? A practice, yes. But a definition of God shouldn't “go...

Reason #93: Rewriting Biblical history to fit LDS doctrine

Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants purports to be God’s explanation of why ancient prophets were allowed to have multiple wives and concubines. The revelation is in the form of an answer to Joseph’s question. Verse 1 sets the tone for the entire section by...

Reason #204: A response to an atheist’s question

Recently an intelligent and thoughtful ex-Mormon atheist asked a question. Briefly stated, he wanted to know why Christians would say a serial killer whose deathbed confession of Jesus could enter heaven, while a moral and decent atheist would go to hell. Here's how I...