Book review

Since I'm keeping the “Cult Fiction” blog just for novels, I'd like to post an occasional review of non-fiction here on the Incite Blog.I recently had the privilege of reviewing Breaking the Mormon Code: A Critique of Mormon Scholarship Regarding Classical...

Article in Prodigal Magazine

Recently Andrew Rogers wrote the following article about me in Prodigal Magazine. It was also published in at least one secular print magazine. From Mormon to Christian author: Latayne C. Scott Thu, May 14, 2009 Reviews...

Prayers for Albuquerque

Did you know that if you're looking, say, for all the posts on what defines a cult, you can do a search on this site for that word? Or if you're looking for all the posts on “Ezekiel — Creation of a Man as a Symbol,” you could just search for...

Two Book Reviews

I don't review books much anymore. When I had my own book review column for Release and Release Ink magazines, and when I freelanced for Christian Retailing, Bookstore Journal, A Closer Look and elsewhere, it was very time consuming because I am the most rare species...


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