How a Library Helped Save Me

The Ernie Pyle Memorial Library Albuquerque, New Mexico A recently- discovered portrait of the famous WWII journalist Ernie Pyle is his last:  a photograph taken just moments after his death.  The body that housed all those words lies still and...

A Wonderful Letter from a Reader

I recently received (and responded to, as you will see below) the following letter. At the letter writer's request I have changed the names: Thank you so much Latayne. I live in (place withheld) and a friend down the street from me  and I were in conversation and she...

A New Year of Provision

The beginning of the year means resolutions for better health. Your inbox is probably full of suggestions to help you achieve that. What if you got an email advertising a product that was guaranteed to be nutritionally complete, with a delightful taste. Something that...

Does God Change His Mind?

DOES GOD CHANGE HIS MIND? Exodus 32:14, in speaking of how God did not bring about disaster to the people of Israel says that He “changed His mind” (NAS).  The King James Version says He “repented,” while the NIV says He “relented.” A similar situation is...

Reason #55: Group Pressure in Mormonism

  An LDS doctrine that had always strongly appealed to me was free agency:  that God respects our right to choose, and that it is our ethic to likewise respect unconstrained choice for all people.  That notion was badly shaken when I was first...