Reason #78: How the LDS Church Advises Members to Treat Critique

Published criticism of Mormon doctrine and practices (so-called “anti-Mormon literature”) has been a thorn in the side of the Mormon Church for decades. For many years the official stance of the LDS Church was simply to ignore pamphlets and books but in the 1990’s...

Reason #116: Testimony Sleight of Hand?

At the most recent LDS conference, LDS leader Jeffry R. Holland held up a copy of what he claimed was the actual Book of Mormon that was read by Joseph and Hyrum Smith the day they died in a jail cell in Carthage, MO (related in D&C 135:4- 5.) Mormons would like to...

New Amazon Editorial Review of The Mormon Mirage

Even though it is only available as pre-order (as is Latter-day Cipher), Amazon has this editorial review of The Mormon Mirage : Product Description Three decades after leaving the Mormon faith, Latayne Colvett Scott looks back to her original journey out of Mormonism...

Novella Workshop: What’s a Novella?

I think a lot of people understand that a novella isn’t a novel, but they’re not sure if it has to do with subject matter: is a novella a “light” version of a more-serious topic? Is it a romance?), for instance. Some have only seen novellas in collection, and...

What I’ve Been Reading

Let's take a break from polygamy, shall we? Here's what I'm reading or have read in the last few months: Charles H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David.  (Ongoing:  I'm almost halfway through. ) Tony Hillerman's The Fallen Man. Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad Irene...