365 Reasons Why I (And Others) Won’t Return To Mormonism

Reason #173: More Politically-Correct Book of Mormon Changes

  Recently the LDS Church has changed chapter headings in its online Book of Mormon (a revised print edition isn't…

14 years ago

Reason #172: Packham’s Logic about LDS Book of Mormon Apologists

My atheist friend, Richard Packham, has an excellent online article that shows the shallowness of LDS arguments to support the…

14 years ago

Reason #171: An Open Letter to the Mormon Church

Dear Mormon Church: I don't know whether to slap you, or to thank you for launching my publishing career. Sincerely,…

14 years ago

Reason #170: Guest Blogger on “Conditional Relationships”

By way of introduction, I don't really like labels but labeling myself for you is going to be the easiest…

14 years ago

Call for Guest Bloggers

If you are an ex-Mormon and would like to add your reason to my "365 Reasons Why I Won't Return…

14 years ago

Reason #169: Because Mormons call my books “religious pornography”

When I was a Mormon . . .I could not understand why anyone would oppose an organization that did so…

14 years ago

Reason #168: The LDS church handles critical writings

An article today on USA Today relates how libraries are facing the issue of which books to "ban" because of…

14 years ago

Reason #167: Because of Other Letters –like this one

I recently received this encouraging letter from a reader who asked that her name be withheld: Dear Latayne, I just…

14 years ago

Reason #166: Because of Letters Like This

I sometimes get letters like this. They do indeed cause me to pause and re-evaluate my reasons for writing what…

14 years ago

Reason #165: The Futility of Trying to Talk Grace to a Mormon

Mormons believe in grace -- as a subsequent to the exhaustion of your own good works. Yet, this is not…

14 years ago