365 Reasons Why I (And Others) Won’t Return To Mormonism

Reason #189: More about the Eternal God

Mormonism holds that God was not always eternal, for God was not always God. Besides being irrational, this heresy is…

13 years ago

Two new online articles praise The Mormon Mirage

The furor over a Dallas pastor calling Mormonism "a cult" has led to the release of two new online articles…

13 years ago

Reason #188: Because of LDS Teachings about Hell and Sons of Perdition

Who will go to the LDS hell? Very few. Those who go to the Telestial Kingdom will already have suffered…

13 years ago

Reason #187: Because of Joseph Smith’s Formal Education

Mormons often point to the length of the Book of Mormon and claim that no man could have written it…

13 years ago

Reason #186: Because the LDS Church Covers Up Its Own History

I recently learned here that some people believe the leadership of the LDS church exerted enough pressure that it was…

13 years ago

Reason #185: Struggling with an Unknowable God

One of the greatest disservices that Mormon doctrine does to the minds of its adherents is the reduction of the…

13 years ago

Reason #184: The Kinderhook Plates

The Kinderhook Plates are a tell-tale sign bearing witness against the LDS church. Have you ever wondered what it must…

13 years ago

Reason #183: LDS Money Controls the Web

Ever notice when you try to do a Web search on a Bible verse or subject, one of the first…

14 years ago

Reason #182: LDS Divisions and Sects

Normally I don't use Wikipedia as a primary source. However, someone has done an excellent job here listing the scores…

14 years ago

Reason #181: Sanitized Documents

Recently a reader of The Mormon Mirage was engaged in an online discussion with Mormons. Under discussion was a "cleaned-up"…

14 years ago