One characteristic of religious groups that have branched off from, or departed completely from, the LDS Church is the teaching that one or another of Mormon prophets “fell.” This is particularly true of most polygamous Latter-day Saint groups. Though the...
Several of my previous “365 Reasons” posts show that materials and ideas that were available to Joseph Smith in upper New York state in the early 1800s found their way into the Book of Mormon. A recent post by someone who refers to himself as a...
Failed prophecies alone are a sufficient reason to leave the LDS church. Years ago when my friend Dick Baer decided to leave the LDS Church, he wrote a letter to his Mormon family and friends explaining why. Part of that was the number of failed prophecies of Joseph...
This last week marked the passing of a sad figure in LDS history, George P. Lee. At one time he was a bright star in the LDS world. A handsome, articulate, and talented Native American, he grew up as a foster child in the Church's Indian Placement Program (ISPP),...
The LDS church must be embarrassed by the fact that people keep submitting names for proxy baptisms. Helen Radkey, that burr under the Mormon saddle, has documented that recently someone was baptized in proxy for Jesus Christ. And someone else for Mary Magdalene. And...