A Confusing Deity Everything about the Mormon godhead is a confused mess if you accept all the supposedly-inspired teachings of…
When I was a faithful Mormon I believed that the LDS understanding of the Godhead was much more clearcut and…
Many middle-aged and younger Mormons express doubt when told about the LDS temple endowment ceremonies of the past. A series…
A recent article in an LDS publication gives a hint to how the Mormon church may choose to deal with…
The seer stone narrative has troubles. An important part of Joseph Smith's early life was a seer stone by which…
A new site, ExMormonScholarsTestify.org, gives reasons why thinking people made the decision to leave the LDS Church. My testimony is…
Some LDs writers have said that a settlement in southern Arabia named NHM is the Nahom of the Book of…
FRIDAY Blood throbbing like muffled drums Tendons stretching like fence-wires: tune-taut But soundless His reproach streaks the silence like Lightning…
Quotes from Current LDS Manuals on Nature of God Christians have long opposed the LDS teaching about the nature of…
The central plot of When Mermaids Sing by Mark Zvonkovic (IUniverse, 2008) focuses on the narrator, Larry, a man still…