Categories: Cult Fiction

Review of When Mermaids Sing

The central plot of When Mermaids Sing by Mark Zvonkovic (IUniverse, 2008) focuses on the narrator, Larry, a man still finding himself. His own endeavors are side-stepped though, when his close friend and cousin, searching for many of the same things becomes affiliated with a powerful cult in the Cape Cod area. As Larry tries to remove him cousin from the cult he not only learns of the destructive of cults, but is startled to find many parallel constructions in the arguably commonplace society that he resides within. Expertly written, the novel pans back and forth between Larry's past and present. Larry not only begins to understand the inner workings of cults, but makes some startling discoveries about the world he lives in.

–Reviewed by Jason Compton

Latayne C Scott

Latayne C. Scott is the author of over two dozen published books including the most recent, Protecting Your Child From Predators, and hundreds of magazine articles.

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Latayne C Scott

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