A compelling book”with a sensitive and realistic eye. — (Rocky Mountain Christian) This one’s must-reading for anyone with a heart…
The (Amazon.com Review) Helps children who are afraid at night., August 27, 2006 Reviewer:P. Nelson – See all my reviews…
Even I was impressed by The Mormon Mirage. Latayne Scott is a gifted writer with a thorough, first-hand knowledge of Mormonism.…
From the surrealistically tranquil opening scene in which the reader scans the body of a killer’s first victim, to an…
The intimate nature of Crisis puts it far above the level of other books on the same subject.– Bob Hudson,…
This excellent book ought to be owned and studied by everyone who knows a former (or present) Mormon. Colleges would…
"A beautifully-written book. Read it and you will fall in love with Christ and his church all over again." –F.…
I realized that the gospel -- the good news of the imputed righteousness of Christ -- refuted my Mormon apologetics.
The Book of Mormon does not comport with accurate historical reality.