Categories: Reviews

The Mormon Mirage (1979, 1984 editions)

A compelling book”with a sensitive and realistic eye. — (Rocky Mountain Christian)

This one’s must-reading for anyone with a heart for reaching into the Mormon Church with the Gospel of Christ –(WBRG radio, Lynchburg, VA)

It will help the average Christian understand Mormonism and Mormons better than ever before. It did us. (The Biblical Evangelist)

A fine testimony. (Central Baptist Seminary Bulletin)

A good book to give to a Mormon seeking the truth. (Librarian’s World)

Her sensitive and caring approach reflects the love of God; it will speak to Mormons in a compelling manner. Lloyd Hildebrand

Readable and brings the history of the church up to date. (Moody Monthly)

This author held my interest with her account of their history and beliefs. (The Evangel)

I recommend this book to you. (The Utah Evangel)

A veritable handbook of crucial data, well indexed, with a fine bibliography. (Provident Book Stores)

( Review) Been there; done that. This book is right on the money!, March 18, 2002
Reviewer: A reader
Having been born a fourth generation Mormon (my great grandfather was in the wagon trains), but having later found the REAL Jesus, I can tell you that this book is right on target. . . The author is very gentle in this book, and is kind to Mormons while at the same time exposing the many deceptions of Mormonism which most Mormons don’t even know about. I would not classify it as an anti-Mormon book, but as a pro-Truth book which exposes errors in Mormon doctrine. I do hope Zondervan will re-print it… it is in my opinion THE classic on this subject, and needs to be read by all Mormons and non-Mormons alike.

( Review) Despite the title, this is the best book to read, March 4, 2002
Reviewer:j.mart (Virginia Beach, VA) – See all my reviews
I read this book when it first came out, and since have read a great many more on Mormonism. It is the best one out, and Zondervan should re-issue it a.s.a.p. Scott is a skilled prose writer, the story is heartfelt, and the theological/historical critique dead-on. I don’t think it going to far to call this one a minor evangelical “classic.” Nowhere near as thorough as the Tanners’ work, but somehow just as powerful in its overall effect.

( Review) Excellent, in-depth book, November 29, 2000
Reviewer: A reader
I have read this book three times and still find it interesting each time I read it. The look into Mormon theology is fascinating and is especially interesting because it is presented by a former Mormon herself. I was looking to purchase this book for a friend who was discussing theology with me but I am disappointed to see that it is out of print.

( Review) The Mormon Mirage–a must read, October 2, 1998
Reviewer: A reader
For an informative, balanced review of Mormonism and Christianity, I highly recommend this book. It is very readable and interesting. Perhaps the best of its kind.

( Review) Insightful into LDS church and society from a former member., May 4, 1998
Reviewer: A reader
This is an extremely well-done book. Mrs. Scott does an excellent job of telling the story of her life growing up in the LDS church and why she decided to leave it. Some books on the LDS church are pretty harsh and may turn off the reader. I felt that Latayne was pretty even-handed about what she liked and disliked about the LDS church and society. She was also very effective at showing the differences she found between LDS and Christian theology and why that led her to her decision to leave. That area alone makes the book invaluable for Christians who wish to study LDS teachings and for Mormons who want an objective view of their religion.

( Review) Read this book!, May 2, 1998
Reviewer: A reader
This is probably my favorite book on the beliefs of the Mormon church. Unfortunately, I loaned my only copy to a friend and it was never returned. I cannot find anther copy. Mrs. Scott offers a well thought out and readable explanation of the beliefs behind this cultic religious group.


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