Recently an intelligent and thoughtful ex-Mormon atheist asked a question. Briefly stated, he wanted to know why Christians would say…
What is so amazing about Royal Skousen's "critical text" of the BofM published by Yale University Press? It's that Mormons…
This is a marvelous hypothetical situation on an excellent blog called “I Love Mormons.” It provoked a stimulating discussion there,…
Past Church leaders were adamant in their condemnation of the liquor and tobacco industries. The Word of Wisdom, according to…
I won't argue with the Word of Wisdom’s condemnation of the addictive substance, alcohol. But in the Word of Wisdom…
Reason #85 The famous Civil War prophecy of Section 87 of the Doctrine and Covenants has for years been touted by…
When I was a Mormon, Section 78 of the Doctrine and Covenants contained some strange foreign-sounding names which were assigned to…
I've always used my four-part definition of a cult (deifies man, humanizes God, ostracizes Scripture, and requires an extra-Biblical view…
As I have studied textual criticism at the graduate level and have investigated for myself some of the documents from…