All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism
Reason #27: The “other sheep” problem
I was told when I was a Mormon that the other sheep Jesus said he would bring were the Nephites. The Book of Mormon records a supposed visit of Jesus to the Nephites, apparently about a year after His resurrection in Israel. Two things to notice about...
Reason #26: Geography
Much has been made about how Joseph Smith just used or adapted Bible names to create the names in the Book of Mormon. But recently I came across this fascinating map -- in which the place names in the Book of Mormon are compared to the place names of Joseph...
Reason #25: A different Jesus
Most of the arguments asserting that the Jesus of Mormonism is not the Biblical Jesus have to do with where His past diverges from the Biblical record -- a Mormon "prehistory" that is finite, beginning with his "birth" to one of God the Father's wives and a battle in...
LDS Church Faces Gays
Over 27,000 letters were delivered to the LDS Church Headquarters this week, all protesting the LDS Church's support of the ban on gay marriages in California. As a former Mormon and more-than-disinterested observer, I am watching this process closely. In the past,...
Reason #24: Why I Won't Return to Mormonism–Karl Butcher
Karl Butcher was "born into" the LDS church, and served a mission. However, he left it and here explains why: Why do I not want to go back to the Mormon church? Criticism isn't accepted there. If your priesthood leader does something wrong, you aren't allowed...
Reason #23: A Prophet with No News
"Prophet" Gordon B. Hinckley once answered a reporter from Time Magazine, August 4, 1997: "On whether his church still holds that God the Father was once a man, [Hinckley] sounded uncertain, `I don't know that we teach it. I don't know that we emphasize it... I...