All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism

Reason #32: Joseph Smith's Imaginative Abilities

  Smith's wife Emma once said that she believed God dictated the Book of Mormon because her husband could hardly speak clearly nor compose a clearly-written letter. The speeches and writings we have of him contradict this assessment.  In addition, others...

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Reason #31: Joseph Smith's Story Is Not Unique

In 1837 an illiterate youth named James Colin Brewster said that at age ten, he, like Joseph Smith, had been in direct communication with the angel Moroni. Brewster began "translating" non-existent records that he said were the lost books of Esdras, and had published...

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Reason #30: Questionable Biblical Interpretation

Why must uniquely- LDS Biblical interpretation be rejected? Because a supposedly Biblical doctrine that is based on possibly-plausible possible exceptions to other historical doctrines is not a firm enough foundation on which  believers in the rest of the Bible...

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Reason #29: The Mormon Gossip Circuit

Reason #29 is from guest blogger Michelle Scott (no relation) Privacy, to me, is very important. In Mormonism, there is virtually no privacy whatsoever. Hypothetically, if a Mormon member was to enter a Starbucks (strongly opposed because of their particularly...

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Reason #28: Gods

So why would I want to return to a system of thought that would turn my attention toward — and ask me to emulate — entities that will be destroyed by God?

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