Many Mormons, upon being confronted with irrefutable evidence that Joseph Smith married multiple teenaged girls, respond that it was common in the 1800's for older men to marry teenaged girls. However, this chart and information seem to dispute that. Chart courtesy of...
As a young Mormon woman I believed that I should prepare myself for plural marriage (the mainstream LDS church does not practice earthly polygamy of course but does command its practice after death.) I believed I might be able to enjoy the exclusive attentions of my...
On an ex-Mormon discussion board recently, the question was posed: What was the tipping point that caused you to leave Mormonism? (I asked the same question, but called it a “point of departure” in my book, Why We Left Mormonism (Baker Book House.) One...
When I was a Mormon, I was taught that Joseph Smith had only one wife, Emma Hale Smith. I have since learned that Joseph Smith married over two dozen women — and apparently consummated some of those marriages. To date, no proof exists to substantiate the claims...