Reason #41: The Sheer Number of Joseph Smith’s False Prophecies

  Because of the Sheer Number of Joseph Smith”‘s False Prophecies: False prophecy became a habit for Joseph Smith. Most estimates of the number of recorded false prophecies that Smith made range from 50 to 60. Edmond C. Gruss and Lane A. Thuet in What...

Reason #40: Joseph Smith’s Failed “Miracles”

  False Prophecies and Failed Abilities of Joseph Smith: While at Kirtland Ohio, Joseph made a prophecy that is unfamiliar to most Mormons. Just before the first general church conference, he predicted that “not three days should pass away before some...

Reason #35: The Gold Plates Never Existed

  One LDS author, Dan Vogel in American Apocrypha:Essays on the Book of Mormon stated:  “Given the fact that the three witnesses saw a vision and that the experience of the eight witnesses seems to have been similarly visionary, there is no compelling...

Reason #31: Joseph Smith’s Story Is Not Unique

In 1837 an illiterate youth named James Colin Brewster said that at age ten, he, like Joseph Smith, had been in direct communication with the angel Moroni. Brewster began “translating” non-existent records that he said were the lost books of Esdras, and...

Iron Sharpens Iron Broadcast

Last week I was interviewed on WNYG in New York on the “Iron Sharpens Iron” broadcast. One of the most significant elements of my upcoming book, The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition:  A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church (Zondervan 2009) is a section...