
Reason #205: “Mormonism Rejects Imputed Righteousness”

I realized that the gospel -- the good news of the imputed righteousness of Christ -- refuted my Mormon apologetics.

7 years ago

Reason #203: Guest Post, “Not the Jesus of Joseph” by Kathy F. Sanders

Trusting in Jesus alone for salvation is not a Mormon doctrine--but it is a Biblical doctrine.

8 years ago

Reason #202: Guest Post, “Deceived No More,” by Vicki Andersen

Reading about Joseph Smith, I was able to leave the Morman deception and found the true God.

8 years ago

Reason #201: Guest Post– “At First Glance”

Reading Scripture explictly challenged my Mormon faith.

8 years ago

Reason #200: Guest Post –“Like Chewing Plastic”

It was a lie.  I had been duped.  And I wouldn’t be part of the charade.

8 years ago

Reason #199: Damning Documentation: LDS Clergy Abuse

Mormon clergy abuse is both evident and document. It is not accidental, but a necessary fruit of a corrupt religion.

8 years ago

Reason #191: What would a Christian Church have to Change to Become Mormon?

A VERY big unspoken assumption Mormons operate on is that all blessings (except the most general ones of having life…

13 years ago

Reason #189: More about the Eternal God

Mormonism holds that God was not always eternal, for God was not always God. Besides being irrational, this heresy is…

13 years ago

Reason #181: Sanitized Documents

Recently a reader of The Mormon Mirage was engaged in an online discussion with Mormons. Under discussion was a "cleaned-up"…

14 years ago

Reason #178: Growing Acknowledgment of the Role of Secrecy

Recently The Wall Street Journal ran a short article about the way that a religious group becomes a cult. Here's…

14 years ago