A recent column by prominent LDS writer Orson Scott Card (known best by us non-Mormons as an outstanding sci-fi writer)…
The LDS Church once instituted an organization "“ more of a practice, really "“ called the "Strengthening the Church…
Big Love, indeed. Mormonism, in all its incarnations, institutionalized what many people see as the inevitable successor to legalized…
I'm preparing a series of blog posts requested by Zondervan's Academic Blog, Koinonia which will appear in about a month. I'm…
Here are a couple of reasons why I would not return to being a Mormon. 1) The whole Temple and Endowment…
False Prophecies and Failed Abilities of Joseph Smith: While at Kirtland Ohio, Joseph made a prophecy that is unfamiliar…
In the formative years of the LDS Church, any revelation received by church members was only considered valid if it…
On June 15, 1828"”years after his supposed visit from God who told him that all churches on earth were…
One LDS author, Dan Vogel in American Apocrypha:Essays on the Book of Mormon stated: "Given the fact that the…
Last week I was interviewed on WNYG in New York on the "Iron Sharpens Iron" broadcast. One of the most…