Recently a reader of The Mormon Mirage was engaged in an online discussion with Mormons. Under discussion was a “cleaned-up” version of some of the last hours of Joseph Smith. In the present edition, it reads: Dr. Richards was taken sick, when Joseph said,...
Recently I read accounts by two LDS ward (local congregation) finance clerks. These are local priesthood holders who process tithing checks from their fellow ward members and then send the money on to the Church headquarters in Salt Lake City. One, who is...
I have been hearing from both people who have recently left the LDS Church as well as some who attend meetings but are considering leaving that they perceive that the number of local ward members who are actually active seems to be declining. Others report that...
Ironically, the Church proclaims itself to embrace all truth. The believers may sing “Oh, say what is truth”” but truth for them is whatever fits their belief. What does not fit is spun or ignored. Belief trumps...
Mormons are taught that abstinence from tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco is essential for entrance into the celestial kingdom. If this is true, Joseph Smith must be a candidate for the terrestrial or telestial kingdom because he repeatedly violated the Word of...