Joseph Smith

Reason #105: Joseph Smith’s Jupiter Talisman

A symbol of the occult that Joseph Smith owned was a "Jupiter talisman."  Read about it and see a drawing…

15 years ago

Reason #104: The Lost Symbol Shows Mormonism Connections with Masonry

I imagine that many Christians have wriggled uncomfortably as they read Dan Brown’s new book, The Lost Symbol. Scattered through the…

15 years ago

Reason #99: Non-Divine Masonic Source of LDS Temple Ceremonies

Any Mason who reads even such an abbreviated account of the temple ceremony as I have outlined in The Mormon…

15 years ago

Reason #98: Changes in LDS Doctrine regarding Freemasonry

Alexander Campbell once noted that the Book of Mormon managed to comment on a surprisingly large percentage of the religious…

15 years ago

Reason #97: Mormonism and Masonry — Denied at first

Joseph Smith, founder of the LDS Church “became a first-degree Mason on the night of the installation, and the next…

16 years ago

Reason #87: The Word of Wisdom–Part Two

Past Church leaders were adamant in their condemnation of the liquor and tobacco industries. The Word of Wisdom, according to…

16 years ago

Reason #85 — The Civil War Prophecy

Reason #85 The famous Civil War prophecy of Section 87 of the Doctrine and Covenants has for years been touted by…

16 years ago

Reason #83: Mormonism changes the wording of its own Scripture

When I was a Mormon, Section 78 of the Doctrine and Covenants  contained some strange foreign-sounding names which were assigned to…

16 years ago

Reason #66: LDS Historical Revisionism

The LDS Church announced recently the appointment of Joseph Sitati as the first black AFRICAN LDS general authority. Previously there…

16 years ago