Reason #85 — The Civil War Prophecy

Reason #85 The famous Civil War prophecy of Section 87 of the Doctrine and Covenants has for years been touted by Mormons as proof positive of Joseph’s powers as a prophet. However, the force of this assertion is lessened considerably when one considers that “the...

Reason #41: The Sheer Number of Joseph Smith’s False Prophecies

  Because of the Sheer Number of Joseph Smith”‘s False Prophecies: False prophecy became a habit for Joseph Smith. Most estimates of the number of recorded false prophecies that Smith made range from 50 to 60. Edmond C. Gruss and Lane A. Thuet in What...

Reason #40: Joseph Smith’s Failed “Miracles”

  False Prophecies and Failed Abilities of Joseph Smith: While at Kirtland Ohio, Joseph made a prophecy that is unfamiliar to most Mormons. Just before the first general church conference, he predicted that “not three days should pass away before some...