Reason #167: Because of Other Letters –like this one

I recently received this encouraging letter from a reader who asked that her name be withheld: Dear Latayne, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your ‘365 Reasons' on your website. I was raised by extremely Mormon parents, in an all-Mormon...

Reason #168: The LDS church handles critical writings

An article today on USA Today relates how libraries are facing the issue of which books to “ban” because of objections to them. The article ends with this quote: Such controversies make headlines, which helps the library association and other...

Competence: Mary and Martha

COMPETENCE AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MEASUREMENT IN THE STORY OF MARY AND MARTHA Copyright  Latayne C. Scott The issue of competence is one that plagues Christians; and the knotty problem of what is proper for a Christian to measure and assess troubles us too. First...