Last year our wonderful son was diagnosed with, and treated for, thyroid cancer. I praise God for his health today. Here is a poem I wrote during that ordeal. I pray it may be of help to someone who is accompanying another person who is ill.
It is here, in church
I realize
That push has come
To shove
I sit here beside my son,
My strong manchild,
His neck transversed by that hateful wound
And harboring all those rampant covert cells
That lurk and leer
At the flesh
Of my flesh
I”‘m thinking about
“Only-begotten son.”
We sing together, a cappella.
His bass is threadbare:
And then one day
I”‘ll cross that river
I”‘ll fight life”‘s final
War with
And I want the river
I want the crossing
But I hate the war
And am undone by knowing
That I have made a crossing already
I have outstripped numbness
At the very thought
Of his pain
(copyright 2007, Latayne C. Scott. Do not reproduce without written permission.)