Incite Blog
Did the Angels Sweat?
L Did the angels Those sinew-armed strongmen of the ages Sweat great drops of celestial self control L Did tears run down the faces Of those who continually see the Face L Did holy muscles tremble and twitch at being restrained at seeing urgency and being forbidden at...
Is there a Universal Grammar of God?
Where does my heart beat much of the time? In my family, in my writing, and in my Bible study and Representational Research. This last area basically involves the triadic structure of the Godhead, of reality (the part you see, the part you don’t see, and the links...
A Book and Eternity
I love (and often mention) the generalization we can derive from Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 – where the lunch of a little boy could do the work of a man laboring for five months. Two completely incommensurate things, a small amount of bread and fish and the sweating...
Speaking at Women Walking With God
You can read more about this conference here. Over 800 women attended this year.
Regarding Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
After being invited by Moody Radio Chicago to be a guest on their morning show, one call-in listener said that her husband has questions about the theology of Glenn Beck, especially as manifested in his Restoring Honor Rally in August 2010. I would like to...
Dothan? Why Dothan?
One of the perks of having an always-active mind is that it is, well, always active. Case in point: One morning I awakened with a word on my mind. The word was Dothan. To my knowledge, I'd never spoken that name aloud. I had no idea where it came...