Incite Blog
Iron Sharpens Iron Broadcast
Last week I was interviewed on WNYG in New York on the "Iron Sharpens Iron" broadcast. One of the most significant elements of my upcoming book, The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church (Zondervan 2009) is a section entitled, "Issues...
Writing Acronyms
Writers have their own set of abbreviations (especially in this age of Twitter -- find me there under "Latayne.") The power of language! Ever since I first heard "BIC" (Butt In Chair), it has reminded me that manuscripts don't get written without BIC. (Well,...
Should a Christian Novelist Engage Postmodernism's Ideas and Techniques?
In our NovelMatters discussion, we seven novelists -- and several guests -- sparred about whether or how to engage postmodernism in our novels. Do we use some of the outward characteristics such as the elimination of quotation marks in dialogue? Do we engage their...
The Life of Writers — Giveaways, Cool Stuff
I know that many readers are hungry for high-quality Christian fiction. Several of us who are trying to "raise the bar" in that area have a new blog, featuring six Christian novelists (including myself.) It's called "Novel Matters," and it will include giveaways...
Reason #25: A different Jesus
Most of the arguments asserting that the Jesus of Mormonism is not the Biblical Jesus have to do with where His past diverges from the Biblical record -- a Mormon "prehistory" that is finite, beginning with his "birth" to one of God the Father's wives and a battle in...
LDS Church Faces Gays
Over 27,000 letters were delivered to the LDS Church Headquarters this week, all protesting the LDS Church's support of the ban on gay marriages in California. As a former Mormon and more-than-disinterested observer, I am watching this process closely. In the past,...