Incite Blog
Blog Tour!
Today, June 30, is an exciting day for me! Twenty-seven blogs will be participating in a blog tour -- in which they review and comment on my two new books. Here's a list of participating blogs: The Mormon Mirage - Participating Blogs:...
Audio Postcard Series– How to Talk to Your Mormon Friend
A little behind my intended schedule -- but --- The audio postcard series, How to Talk To Your Mormon Friend, is almost ready. What is it? When you enter your email address on my homepage in the sign-up box, you will begin to receive 2-3 emails from me a week. Each...
Article in Prodigal Magazine
Recently Andrew Rogers wrote the following article about me in Prodigal Magazine. It was also published in at least one secular print magazine. From Mormon to Christian author: Latayne C. Scott Thu, May 14, 2009 Reviews...
Free Copies of The Mormon Mirage and Latter-day Cipher to Bloggers
Though the contest on this site to give away free books has closed, there are still ways for people to get free copies. For instance, visit on June 9, 2009 for a chance to win a free autographed copy of my book Latter-day Cipher. Check out...
We have winners! And there will be more…
I realize that it wasn't easy to try to post a comment on my site for the last couple of weeks. In fact, it was impossible! That's because I changed my domain name server. Some of my posts got lost in the process -- and all of the comments you made. But I am...
Reason #73: The cost of losing one's God
What follows is the third of a five-part series that Zondervan published on their academic blog, Koinonia. The subject matter may repeat some previous "365" posts, but I will nonetheless publish them for those who might not want to scroll back through...