Please feel free to use this prayer, substituting the name of your hometown…
Scripture: Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. — John 17: 1-3
Prayer: Father, we acknowledge before you that our city has not glorified your Son, and therefore we have not glorified you. We apologize for that and resolve to do those things that will bring glory to both of you. Your Son said that he has all authority, yet there are cultic groups right here in our city that do not acknowledge him as fully God, nor do they present the oneness that you, your Son and your Spirit have.
Lord, deliver the minds of those who are involved with cults ““ those groups which may use a common language with us but who are not speaking about you or your Son when they use your names. You said that we cannot have eternal life without true knowledge of you. You made knowing you a prerequisite for salvation ““ and yet cults here in Albuquerque assign strange histories to you, like saying that your Son came to the Americas, or that he is the archangel Michael, or other statements that would draw people”‘s minds away from the true, historical Jesus; and from you, the one and only Almighty God and your indwelling Spirit.
Give us the grace and knowledge to combat such error ““ but more than that, dear Lord, we pray for those who are enslaved by such false teachings. Send equipped workers into your vineyard to fight such errors, and bless them with the exact, penetrating words to convey your truth.