Latayne Colvett Scott has made an important and innovative contribution with Ex-Mormons: Why We Left . . . Numerous flashes of insight reveal Mormons as flesh-and-blood humans — not the cardboard-cutout cultists who exist in the minds of many Christians. The book...
Even after fourteen years of working with cult survivors, I learned new things from this book. Wayne A. Van Kampen, The Banner This is spiritually challenging reading that can’t help but have an impact on its readers. –WBRG Radio The comparison of testimonies provides...
Author Latayne Scott focuses on the different types of agape love and provides a fascinating look at some of the biblical characters who best exemplify their traits. — WGN Radio This simply-written and easily-read book includes chapters on patience, kindness, envy,...
I recommend this book for all women. It is especially helpful for a stewardship study. –Joanne Hopton, Standard Publishing I can recommend this book with confidence for use in Women’s Ministries Bible Study groups. –Lillian M Johnston, Christian Life and Sunday...
Before the silver cord is broken, you absolutely must read again the moving story of Rahab’s red cord of faith. Unlike the stealthy descent of the spies whose lives she saved, this time around Rahab’s cord will not let you down, but lift you up to exhilarating new...
A compelling book”with a sensitive and realistic eye. — (Rocky Mountain Christian) This one’s must-reading for anyone with a heart for reaching into the Mormon Church with the Gospel of Christ –(WBRG radio, Lynchburg, VA) It will help the average Christian understand...