Incite Blog

Author Cloud

Do you know what an author cloud is?  A site called librarything allows readers to list the books they have…

17 years ago

Names of Jesus

I read the daily newsletter by Given O. Blakely.  Today he had an insightful and fresh look at some of…

17 years ago

Bible Studies for Deeper Thought

I hear complaints all the time (most often from women) about the lack of depth and variety in Bible studies…

17 years ago


I wrote the cover story for the August online Today's Officer magazine -- an article about the pros and cons…

17 years ago

Publication dates!

Zondervan tells me that they will release The Mormon Mirage, Third Edition:  A Former Mormon Looks at the Church Today…

17 years ago

Does God Change His Mind?

Our Bible study small group has struggled with the sense that God changed His mind in various situations in the…

17 years ago

Sermons, Parables, and Book Ideas

Dan and I have an unusual situation -- our minister Alan Taylor has been our preacher for 23 years.  His…

17 years ago

New Book Title

One of the challenges of the upcoming publication of my first book on Mormonism has been settling on a title…

17 years ago

Audio Lessons

I am often surprised to find that lessons I presented years ago are cropping up in audio form on the…

17 years ago

My other writing life

Contrary to what some people might think, I don't write all the time about Mormonism. In fact, the release of…

17 years ago