365 Reasons Why I (And Others) Won’t Return To Mormonism

Reason #145: The Doctrine in McConkie’s Mormon Doctrine

The dust is finally settling in yet another effort by the LDS Church to bury its past. Recently the church-owned…

15 years ago

Reason #144: DNA Studies Disprove the Book of Mormon

Dr. Simon Southerton, the former LDS bishop whose findings in molecular biology rocked the LDS Church when he released his…

15 years ago

Reason #143: Because Blood Atonement Doesn’t Go Away

The recent decision by a convicted Utah murderer, Ronnie Lee Gardner, to insist on being executed by firing squad because…

15 years ago

Reason #142– One Eternal Roundabout God

A Confusing Deity Everything about the Mormon godhead is a confused mess if you accept all the supposedly-inspired teachings of…

15 years ago

Reason #141: The LDS Trinity — or Trinities?

When I was a faithful Mormon I believed that the LDS understanding of the Godhead was much more clearcut and…

15 years ago

Reason #140: Changes in the “eternal” temple ceremonies

Many middle-aged and younger Mormons express doubt when told about the LDS temple endowment ceremonies of the past. A series…

15 years ago

Reason #139: The Downgrading of a “Standard Work” of Scripture

A recent article in an LDS publication gives a hint to how the Mormon church may choose to deal with…

15 years ago

Reason #138–Seer Stone Questions

The seer stone narrative has troubles. An important part of Joseph Smith's early life was a seer stone by which…

15 years ago

Testimonies from Ex-Mormon Scholars Offered by New Site

A new site, ExMormonScholarsTestify.org, gives reasons why thinking people made the decision to leave the LDS Church. My testimony is…

15 years ago