365 Reasons Why I (And Others) Won’t Return To Mormonism

Reason #107: The Silliness of Tapir Warfare

Mormon apologists, such as those at FAIR, sidestep the complete lack of scientific evidence for the horses mentioned in the…

15 years ago

Reason #106: LDS Membership, Conversion and Retention Numbers in Question

I have been hearing from both people who have recently left the LDS Church as well as some who attend…

15 years ago

Reason #105: Joseph Smith’s Jupiter Talisman

A symbol of the occult that Joseph Smith owned was a "Jupiter talisman."  Read about it and see a drawing…

15 years ago

Reason #104: The Lost Symbol Shows Mormonism Connections with Masonry

I imagine that many Christians have wriggled uncomfortably as they read Dan Brown’s new book, The Lost Symbol. Scattered through the…

15 years ago

Wondering about The Mormon Mirage

Zondervan and Harper-Collins have provided an easy way for you to browse inside my book, The Mormon Mirage:  A Former…

15 years ago

Reason #103: Mormon Myths about Bible Translations and Transmission

A new book just published by Zondervan, entitled Busted: Exposing Popular Myths about Christianity, has one of the best explanations,…

15 years ago

Reason #102: New Discoveries of Possible Sources for Book of Mormon scenes

I recently became aware of a massive new book that has carefully documented some possible sources for scenes from the…

15 years ago

Reason #101: The LDS Church itself doesn’t sponsor research into Masonic-LDS Connections

Recently Sunstone, an independent Mormon studies magazine, announced its Mapping Mormon Issues Project, which aims to make available in multiple…

15 years ago

Reason #100: Masonic Symbols in LDS Temples

Traditional Masonic symbols are rampant in older LDS temples. Representations of beehives, heavenly bodies, clasped hands, the All Seeing Eye,…

15 years ago

Reason #99: Non-Divine Masonic Source of LDS Temple Ceremonies

Any Mason who reads even such an abbreviated account of the temple ceremony as I have outlined in The Mormon…

15 years ago