Many Mormons seek solace in the thought that there were enough reliable witnesses to substantiate the Book of Mormon"'s validity…
Martin Harris did indeed as Mormons claim take a copy of some of the characters Joseph Smith said he…
Smith's wife Emma once said that she believed God dictated the Book of Mormon because her husband could hardly…
In 1837 an illiterate youth named James Colin Brewster said that at age ten, he, like Joseph Smith, had been…
Last week I was interviewed on WNYG in New York on the "Iron Sharpens Iron" broadcast. One of the most…
Writers have their own set of abbreviations (especially in this age of Twitter -- find me there under "Latayne.") The…
Why must uniquely- LDS Biblical interpretation be rejected? Because a supposedly Biblical doctrine that is based on possibly-plausible possible exceptions…
In our NovelMatters discussion, we seven novelists -- and several guests -- sparred about whether or how to engage postmodernism…
Reason #29 is from guest blogger Michelle Scott (no relation) Privacy, to me, is very important. In Mormonism, there is…
So why would I want to return to a system of thought that would turn my attention toward -- and…