Reason #187: Because of Joseph Smith's Formal Education
Mormons often point to the length of the Book of Mormon and claim that no man could have written it without God's help. In particular, they say that Joseph Smith's lack of formal education meant he couldn't write such a book. There are several reasons why this is not...
Reason #186: Because the LDS Church Covers Up Its Own History
I recently learned here that some people believe the leadership of the LDS church exerted enough pressure that it was able to prevent the production/airing of a mini-series, The Mormon Murders, that documented how the LDS church (and others) were duped by a document...
Reason #185: Struggling with an Unknowable God
One of the greatest disservices that Mormon doctrine does to the minds of its adherents is the reduction of the concept of a three-in-one God down to compartmentalized beings. I have struggled with this now for the 38 years I have been a Christian. Here is one way...
Reason #184: The Kinderhook Plates
The Kinderhook Plates are a tell-tale sign bearing witness against the LDS church. Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to live in the city Joseph Smith created in the mid-1840s -- from a non-LDS perspective? Now online are PDF documents from the Nauvoo...
Reason #183: LDS Money Controls the Web
Ever notice when you try to do a Web search on a Bible verse or subject, one of the first sites that comes up is, the official Mormon website? You weren't looking for anything Mormon, and if you didn't know better, you'd think you're on a "regular" Christian...
Reason #182: LDS Divisions and Sects
Normally I don't use Wikipedia as a primary source. However, someone has done an excellent job here listing the scores of sectarian groups that are offshoots of Joseph Smith's teachings. The chart is particularly helpful. Of course the LDS church looks to the...
Reason #181: Sanitized Documents
Recently a reader of The Mormon Mirage was engaged in an online discussion with Mormons. Under discussion was a "cleaned-up" version of some of the last hours of Joseph Smith. In the present edition, it reads: Dr. Richards was taken sick, when Joseph said, 'Brother...
Reason #180: Mormons finally admit there's no such thing as Book of Mormon geography
As if millions of formerly-faithful Mormons didn't already know this: There is no such thing as Book of Mormon geography. You can go to the Near East and find Jerusalem and Bethlehem and Jericho. But you can't find a single Book of Mormon city on a map....
Reason #179: The Testimony of Olavo dos Santos Martins
I was convinced I had been in the wrong religion. I got deeper and deeper into my investigation.
Reason #178: Growing Acknowledgment of the Role of Secrecy
Recently The Wall Street Journal ran a short article about the way that a religious group becomes a cult. Here's a quote: The first is behavior control, i.e., monitoring of where you go and what you do. The second is information control, such as discouraging members...
Reason #177: No Hun Horses, therefore Book of Mormon Horses?
LDS apologist Michael R. Ash has a very interesting argument about why there are no remains of horses found in the Americas which can be dated to the Book of Mormon "historical" time period. Ash says (complete comments here): In the 4th & 5th centuries AD, the...
How would you advise this young woman?
Here's another letter I just received from a reader of this blog. It's reprinted below with her permission. How would you advise her? Hi, Mrs. Latayne Scott, Although I've never been a part of the Mormon Church, I've had various experiences through family and friends....