New Radio Interview

16 years ago

I was interviewed recently by Steve Bonenger for his show on Business TalkRadio Network. Click here for a link to…

Author Cloud

17 years ago

Do you know what an author cloud is?  A site called librarything allows readers to list the books they have…

Names of Jesus

17 years ago

I read the daily newsletter by Given O. Blakely.  Today he had an insightful and fresh look at some of…

Reason #22: Compartmentalized gods

17 years ago

One of the difficulties involved in leaving Mormonism is that you leave a view of the Godhead that is very…

Reason #21: Multiple Versions of the First Vision of Joseph Smith

17 years ago

At the Nauvoo Christian Visitors Center in Nauvoo, Illinois, a nine-square quilt hangs that depicts each of nine different versions…

Reason #20: Problems with Joseph Smith’s “First Vision”

17 years ago

Joseph Smith's own accounts of the first vision must be viewed with some reservations. No mention of his "First Vision"…

Reason #19: The Inordinate LDS View of Joseph Smith

17 years ago

Brigham Young once stated that Joseph"'s consent was required for a person to be able to enter into the celestial…

Reason #18: LDS Resistance to Appraisal

17 years ago

"The callow chestnut of Mormonism that says if you want to know about Fords, then you don't ask a Chevrolet…

Reason #17: The Organization of the LDS Church

17 years ago

Many unwary church-goers have become Mormons after accepting the lie told them by Mormons: that the Latter-day Saint Church is…

Bible Studies for Deeper Thought

17 years ago

I hear complaints all the time (most often from women) about the lack of depth and variety in Bible studies…