Of particular interest was my discovery of many people outside the Church who had exceptional powers, such as healing,…
After finishing graduate work in linguistics and education at BYU in 1976, I found professional work in the translation…
When I began missionary service for the Church in 1962, I was given a "plan for teaching the Gospel" to…
Some years earlier, the war in Vietnam had been gaining momentum and arousing greater domestic opposition. As consternation grew in…
An LDS doctrine that had always strongly appealed to me was free agency: that God respects our right to…
I am humbled and honored by the first review of The Mormon Mirage, as posted on Barnes & Noble: The…
One of the reasons I am beginning to write fiction is perhaps what government officials might call "plausible deniability." (smile).…
Second Nephi 29:3 mocks the trust of the Bible believer by having him say mindlessly, "A Bible! A Bible!…
The Book of Mormon raises questions when we examine its accounts of warfare. Where is evidence of the great mounds…
When I was a Mormon, I and other people told prospective Mormons that the Smithsonian Institute believed and supported Book…