Review of Baptism for the Dead

Baptism for the Dead by Robert Irvine, Pocket Books, 1990 Reviewed by Orrin Judd Hard to Find, But Worth It I've long been of the opinion that the distinctive feature of the great hard-boiled private eye story is the hero's vulnerability. He's...

Writing “to Brand”

In a couple of weeks on NovelMatters  (a website where I and other Christian novelists share insights) I will be introducing a discussion on branding — the concept of making oneself unique and identifiable because of his or writing style, genre, or subject...

Reason #166: Because of Letters Like This

I sometimes get letters like this. They do indeed cause me to pause and re-evaluate my reasons for writing what I do, and reasons why I won't return to the LDS Church, in spite of the joyful experiences I had there. Here's the letter, and my reply. Mrs. Scott, I...

Reason #74: Because of how betrayal feels– and can be conveyed

What follows is the fourth of a five-part series that Zondervan published on their academic blog, Koinonia. The subject matter may repeat some previous “365” posts, but I will nonetheless publish them for those who might not want to scroll back through all...

Free Copies of The Mormon Mirage and Latter-day Cipher to Bloggers

Though the contest on this site to give away free books has closed, there are still ways for people to get free copies. For instance, visit on June 9, 2009 for a chance to win a free autographed copy of my book Latter-day Cipher. Check out...

Article in Prodigal Magazine

Recently Andrew Rogers wrote the following article about me in Prodigal Magazine. It was also published in at least one secular print magazine. From Mormon to Christian author: Latayne C. Scott Thu, May 14, 2009 Reviews...