Reason #126: A fictional account of losing faith in Mormonism

In the previous item on the “365 Reasons” blog I described the situation that caused me to lose faith in Mormonism.  I have tried to describe this in a fictional account, too:  my novel, Latter-day Cipher. In this passage, an LDS man who is a...


Latayne's Story Latayne C. Scott, by the grace and mercy of God, is author of over two dozen published books and is the recipient of the Distinguished Christian Service Award by Pepperdine University for “Creative Christian Writing.” She has also won...

Reason #168: The LDS church handles critical writings

An article today on USA Today relates how libraries are facing the issue of which books to “ban” because of objections to them. The article ends with this quote: Such controversies make headlines, which helps the library association and other...

What I Write and Why I Write It

I have been active on the HBO Big Love message boards recently, and one person who identified himself as a Mormon asked why I wrote the books I have written. I”‘m pretty sure that what he was getting at was an explanation for the books I”‘ve...

NEW REVIEWS: Latter-day Cipher

Elegant and Chilling From the surrealistically tranquil opening scene in which the reader scans the body of a killer's first victim, to an explosive final chapter delivered with the rhythm of a quickened pulse, Latter Day Cipher is a masterwork of riveting story-craft...

Latter-day Cipher

From the surrealistically tranquil opening scene in which the reader scans the body of a killer’s first victim, to an explosive final chapter delivered with the rhythm of a quickened pulse, Latter Day Cipher is a masterwork of riveting story-craft and elegant prose....