Thanks be to God for His great grace and favor. My book, The Mormon Mirage, first published in 1979 by Zondervan and kept in print by them for almost 20 years, will be re-released in an updated and augmented format later this year, again by Zondervan. I praise them for taking a risk on an unknown writer in 1979, and for their trust in me again.
I would appreciate your prayers, as I complete this five-year updating process in the next four weeks. I would also be grateful for prayers on my behalf as I tweak my novel about Mormonism, The Latter-day Cipher. Moody Press will release this DaVinci-code-type suspense novel, written for thinking people who want to understand the emotional issues involved with being in, and leaving, the Mormon Church. I am grateful to Moody, and my editor Andy McGuire, for supporting my first efforts at fiction after a lifetime of writing non-fiction. Finally, I am so grateful to my agent, Janet Kobobel Grant, for believing in and advocating my writing.